We are excited to announce the prestigious awards to be presented at ICPEA 2024, recognizing outstanding contributions and achievements from the participants. The final decision-making authority rests with the organizing committee.
1. Young Scientist Award The Young Scientist Award is presented to an outstanding early-career researcher who has shown exceptional promise and contributions to their area of research.

Candidate qualification: Everyone within the age of 40 by Oct 10 with a doctor degree is eligible for Young Scientist Award. Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 3) and full CV for judges to review. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.

2. Best Paper Award The Best Paper Award honors the most outstanding paper presented at the conference. The selection is based on originality, technical quality, and presentation.


  • Novelty and Innovation: Originality and groundbreaking nature of the research.
  • Technical Quality: Methodological rigor and accuracy of the research.
  • Impact: Potential influence on the field and broader scientific community.
  • Presentation: Clarity, organization, and effectiveness of the paper's presentation.
3. Best Student Paper Award The Best Student Paper Award is given to the best paper first authored by a student. This award encourages and acknowledges the contributions of emerging researchers.


  • Originality: Uniqueness and creativity of the research.
  • Quality of Research: Soundness of methodology and analysis.
  • Contribution to the Field: Significance of the research findings.
  • Communication: Ability to convey complex ideas clearly and effectively.
4. Best Poster Award The Best Poster Award recognizes the most impactful and well-presented poster at the conference. This award highlights visual and concise communication of research.


  • Visual Appeal: Design, layout, and aesthetics of the poster.
  • Content Clarity: Clear and concise presentation of research.
  • Engagement: Ability to engage and interact with the audience.
  • Significance: Importance and relevance of the research topic.
5. Best Reviewer Award The Best Reviewer Award acknowledges the dedication and expertise of a reviewer who has provided exceptional feedback and contributed to maintaining the high quality of the conference.


  • Timeliness: Promptness in completing reviews.
  • Thoroughness: Depth and comprehensiveness of reviews.
  • Constructive Feedback: Quality and usefulness of feedback provided to authors.
  • Contribution: Overall contribution to the peer review process and conference quality.
6. Best Presentation Award The Best Presentation Award is given to the presenter who delivers the most engaging and informative presentation at the conference.


  • Clarity: Clear and well-organized delivery of content.
  • Engagement: Ability to captivate and maintain audience interest.
  • Use of Visual Aids: Effective use of slides, charts, and other visual aids.
  • Response to Questions: Skill in addressing audience questions and comments.
7. Best Organization Award The Best Organization Award recognizes an organization that has made significant contributions to the success of the conference through support, sponsorship, or active participation.
8. Outstanding Contribution Award The Outstanding Contribution Award celebrates an individual or organization that has made significant and lasting contributions to their field or the conference community.