1. Power
electronics and converters Power Converters Topologies and Design Advanced power converter topologies Devices, Packaging and System Integration Passive components Active components Power Electronics Devices and Converters High voltage DC power supplies Low voltage DC power supplies Power converters for electric vehicles Contactless power supply 2. Renewable energy systems Wind energy systems Solar energy systems Advanced renewable energy systems Renewable Energy Power Systems 3. Electrical machines and drives Electrical Machines and Drive Systems Motion control, robotics, special drives Electric propulsion systems for electric vehicles Electrical Machines
4. Power electronics applications Power electronics in automotive applications Power electronics in aircraft and spacecraft applications Power electronics in railway applications Power electronics in renewable energy systems Power electronics in grid-connected systems Power electronics in off-grid and standalone systems Power electronics in energy storage systems Power electronics in smart homes and buildings Power electronics in industrial applications Electronic ballasts and solid-state lighting HVDC & FACT e-Mobility Marine applications (Offshore and ships) Rail vehicles
5. Control
and management Application of control methods to electrical systems Estimation and identification methods Measurements techniques Measurement and Control Fault coordination and protection of DC grids Power factor correction techniques Power quality issues Grids and Smart Grids Micro-grids Energy storage systems Sensors Reliability Standards and regulations Smart grids Standalone power supplies Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) Batteries and Management Systems (BMS)