Keynote Speakers
David Gao, IEEE Fellow
University, USA
David Wenzhong Gao received the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer
engineering, specializing in electric power
engineering, from the Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 1999 and 2002,
He is a Full Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering and Director of Renewable
Energy and Power Electronics Laboratory at the
University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA. He
teaches courses such as Renewable and Efficient
Power and Energy Systems, Power Generation,
Operation and Control, Power System Protection.
He has conducted extensive research in areas of
power and energy systems including renewable
energies, microgrids, distributed generation,
smart grid, power delivery, power electronics
application, power system protection, power
system restructuring, and hybrid electric
vehicles. He has published more than one hundred
fifty refereed technical papers in international
journals and conferences. He has co-authored a
book entitled “Modern Hybrid Electric Vehicles,”
published by John Wiley & Sons in United
Kingdom. His research has been funded by many
funding agencies and sponsors including US
National Science Foundation, US Department of
Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, US Army Research Office, US Office
of Naval Research, Tennessee Valley Authority,
US Electric Power Research Institute. In 2009,
he won the prestigious US National Science
Foundation CAREER award for wind power research.
He received the Best Paper Award in the Complex
Systems Track at the 2002 Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Jan.
2002. Since June 2003, Dr. Gao has been a Senior
Member of the IEEE till 2021 when he was named a
Fellow of IEEE.
Dr. Gao currently serves as an Editor for
Associate Editor for the IEEE JOURNAL OF
ELECTRONICS, and he has been an active Reviewer
of leading journals and conferences such as the
Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE
Power and Energy Society General Meeting. He
currently serves as the Secretary of IEEE Power
Electronics Society Denver Section. He has been
active in various technical committees of IEEE
societies and conference organizing committees.
He is a member of the Power and Energy Education
Committee (PEEC) of IEEE PES (Power and Energy
Society). He served as General Chair to host
2012 IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics and
Machines in Wind Applications (PEMWA) in Denver,
CO, USA. He was a Technical Co-chair for IEEE
Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, held
in Dearborn, MI, USA, September 7-11, 2009. He
was also a Technical Program Co-chair in the
Organizing Committee of 2013 IEEE GreenTech
Conference held in Denver, April 2013. He will
serve as the General Chair to host North
American Power Symposium (NAPS 2016), September
18-20, 2016, Denver, USA. Dr. Gao has been
invited to serve on the grant review panel for
many funding agencies including the U.S.
National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department
of Energy, and the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Joe Dong, IEEE Fellow
Technological University,Singapore
Prof Z.Y. Dong is a Professor in School of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering. His
previous roles include Director of UNSW Digital
Grid Futures Institute, Ausgrid Chair Professor
and Director of Ausgrid Centre for Intelligent
Electricity Networks led R&D support for the
Smart Grid, Smart City national demonstration
project in Australia. His research expertise
includes power system planning and stability,
smart grid/micro-grid, load modeling, renewable
energy grid connection, electricity market,
smart city planning, and computational methods
for energy systems. He has been editor/associate
editor for several IEEE transactions and IET
journals. He has won many research and industry
grants nationally and internationally. Prof Dong
is a Fellow of IEEE for his contributions in
computational methods in power system planning
and stability.
Seung-Jae (Paul) Lee, IEEE Fellow
Myongji University, Korea
Seung-Jae (also known as Paul) Lee has been
elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to
power distribution protection and automation. He
received his BS and MS in Electrical Engineering
from the Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington,
Seattle, USA. He has been with Myongji
University, Korea since 1988 and is director of
the Next-generation Power Technology Center
(NPTC). He was CIGRE SC B5 representative of
Korea. He is an Editor in Chief of JICEE. He is
the founder of APAP (International Conference on
Advanced Power System Automation and Protection.
His main research fields are distribution
automation, substation automation and protection
Invited Speakers
Hartmut Hinz,
Frankfurt University of
Applied Sciences, Germany
H. Hinz received the diploma degree in
electrical engineering from the University of
Applied Sciences, Aachen and the Ruhr
University, Bochum in Germany in the years 1990
and 1994 respectively.H. Hinz received the
diploma degree in electrical engineering from
the University of Applied Sciences, Aachen and
the Ruhr University, Bochum in Germany in the
years 1990 and 1994 respectively. He received
the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University,
Darmstadt in Germany in 2000. Between 1999 and
2009, he was with General Motors Fuel Cell
Activities, most recently as project leader for
the development of high voltage systems for fuel
cell vehicles. In 2009, he was appointed as a
Professor for power electronics at the
University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt in
Germany. Since 2011, he has been the head of the
electrical power engineering study program. From
2010 to 2016, he was a visiting professor at the
Vietnamese-German University in Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam. His research interests are in the
areas power electronics for electric vehicles
and renewable energy; electrical energy storage
and distributed power generation. He received
the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University,
Darmstadt in Germany in 2000. Between 1999 and
2009, he was with General Motors Fuel Cell
Activities, most recently as project leader for
the development of high voltage systems for fuel
cell vehicles. In 2009, he was appointed as a
Professor for power electronics at the
University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt in
Germany. Since 2011, he has been the head of the
electrical power engineering study program. From
2010 to 2016, he was a visiting professor at the
Vietnamese-German University in Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam. His research interests are in the
areas power electronics for electric vehicles
and renewable energy; electrical energy storage
and distributed power generation.
Kei Eguchi,
Fukuoka Institute of Technology,
Kei Eguchi received the B.E., the M.E., and the
D.E. degrees from Kumamoto University, Kumamoto,
Japan, in 1994, 1996, and 1999. Currently, he is
a dean and professor of the graduate school of
engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology,
Fukuoka, Japan. Prof. Dr. Eguchi is a president
of the Intelligent Networks and Systems Society,
an associate editor of IJICIC, an associate
editor of ICIC express letters, a reviewer board
Actuators (MDPI), and a senior member of IEE of
Japan. Prof. Dr. Eguchi received CEEGE2023 Best
Oral Presentation Award, CPESE2021 Best
presentation Award, ICIC International
Outstanding Contribution Award, AEES2021 Best
Presenter Award, ICPEA2021 Best Presentation
Award, CEEGE2021 Best Presentation Award,
ICPE2020 Best Oral Presentation Award, ICIEE2020
Award of Contribution, Top Peer Reviewer
Award2019 (Web of Science), ICEAST2019 Best
Paper Award, CPESE2019 Best Presentation Award,
ICICIC2018 Best Paper Award, ICICIC2017 Best
Paper Award, 2016 Institute of Industrial
Applications Engineers Award, 2016 Contribution
Award of Japan Society of Technology Education,
ICICIC2016 Best Paper Award, ICEEI2016 Excellent
Oral Presentation Award, ICEESE2016 Best
Presenter Award, Best Presentation Award in
ICIAE2016, ICSGC2015 Excellent Oral Presentation
Award, ICACTE2015 Excellent Paper Award,
ICIAE2015 Best Presentation Award, ICPEE2014
Excellent Oral Presentation Award, KKU-IENC2014
Outstanding Paper Award, ICEEN2014 Excellent
Paper Award, 2010 Takayanagi Research Encourage
Award, 2010 Paper Award of Japan Society of
Technology Education, ICICIC2009 Best Paper
Award, and ICINIS2009 Outstanding Contribution
Award. He published more than 200 international
papers. His research interests include switching
converters, nonlinear dynamical systems, and
intelligent circuits and systems.
Prof. Heng Nian,
Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Heng Nian is presently working as a Professor in the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University. He received the degrees of Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2005. He has gained the excellent youth fund of the National Natural Science Foundation. His current research interests include the grid connection operation technique of renewable power generation system, modeling and stability analysis of wind power, solar power and storage system, etc. He has published two books on the control technology of renewable power generation system, and published about 200 papers in the international journals and conferences.
Haochun Zhang,
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Prof. Haochun Zhang is currently a
professor of Harbin University of Technology and
director of the Institute of Nuclear Science and
Technology. He teaches courses such as
Engineering thermodynamics, Advanced
Thermodynamics, and so on. His research field
covers modern thermodynamics, renewable energy,
nuclear reactor multi physical field coupling,
space nuclear power, innovate thermal control of
spacecraft and photoelectric characteristics. He
has leaded more than 30 national level projects,
mainly including: major NSFC programs, special
topics of major national science and technology,
and sub topics of national key research and
development projects, as well as other key
cooperation projects. He participated in
planning and writing 6 English monographs and
published more than 200 academic papers, cited
more than 700 times, 2 papers of them selected
as high cited papers of ESI. Eight national
invention patents and fifteen software
copyrights were authorized. He was invited to
give more than 20 lectures at various academic
conferences. He was also awarded the German
Krupp Foundation Scholarship for Chinese Young
Scholars and the first prize of Heilongjiang
Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award. He
served as the associate editor/editorial board
member of 8 international and domestic journals
such as Entropy, and specially invited reviewers
of more than 50 international academic journals
such as Applied Energy.
Hazlie Mokhlis
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Hazlie Mokhlis received the Bachelor of
Engineering (B. Eng. (Hons)) degree and Master
of Engineering Science (M. Eng.Sc) in Electrical
Engineering from University of Malaya in 1999
and 2003 respectively. He received PhD degree
from the University of Manchester in 2009. He is
currently Professor at Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Malaya. He had held
several positions; Deputy Dean Research
(2013-2014), Deputy Dean Postgraduate Studies
(2014-2015, 2017-2018), Deputy Dean
Undergraduate Studies (2018-2019) and Head of
Department (2015-2017) at the Faculty of
Engineering. Dr Hazlie is actively involved in
research as a principle investigator with a
total amount of research grant worth more than
RM 2 million. He is the author and co-author of
more than 300 publications in international
journals and proceedings in the area of Power
Systems and Energy. Up to now, he had
successfully supervised to completion 27 PhD, 7
Master (by research) and 56 Master (Mix-mode and
Course Work) candidates. He also involves
actively as reviewer for international journal
such as IEEE transaction on Power Systems, IEEE
transaction on Sustainable Energy, IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution,
International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy Systems, Applied SoftComputing, Energy
Conversion & Management, and several
international conferences. Besides involve with
research, he is also active in the development
of Malaysian Standard as a member of Working
Group in Development of Malaysian's Power System
Analysis and Studies (WG6) and Expert
Representative in IEC for project TC 8/PT 62786.
His research interest includes fault location,
network reconfiguration, islanding operation,
islanding detection, and renewable energy. Prof
Hazlie is a Chartered Engineer with the
Engineering Council UK and a Professional
Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
Currently he is Chair for IEEE Power Energy
Society, Malaysia Chapter.
Prof. Philip W. T. Pong,
New Jersey Institute of
Technology, USA
W. T. Pong received a B.Eng. from the University
of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2002 with 1st class
honours. Then he studied for a PhD in
engineering at the University of Cambridge
(2002-2005). He was a postdoctoral researcher at
the Magnetic Materials Group at the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for
three years. His research interest currently
focuses on the development and application of
advanced sensing techniques based on
electromagnetic sensors in smart grid and smart
city. Philip Pong is a Fellow of the Institution
of Engineering and Technology (FIET), a Fellow
of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), a Fellow
of the Energy Institute (FEI), a Fellow of the
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
(FIMMM), a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution
of Engineers (FHKIE), a Fellow of the NANOSMAT
Society (FNS), a chartered physicist (CPhys), a
chartered engineer (CEng), a chartered energy
engineer, a registered professional engineer
(R.P.E. in Electrical, Electronics, Energy), and
a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE). He serves on
the editorial boards for several IEEE and SCI
Prof. Chonghui Song,
Northeastern University,
Song Chonghui, doctor of engineering, associate
professor, doctoral supervisor. He graduated
from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1996 with a
bachelor's degree in engineering, graduated from
Northeastern University in 1999 with a master's
degree, and graduated from Northeastern
University in 2004 with a doctorate degree. From
2006 to 2008, University of Illinois at Chicago
(Illinois State, USA) University of Chicago)
postdoc. So far, more than 40 papers have been
published in domestic and foreign academic
journals or academic conferences, more than 20
papers have been indexed by SCI, and more than
40 papers have been indexed by EI. Among them, 1
long paper and 1 short paper have been published
on IEEE TFS. 1 article, 1 IET PE long article.
Obtained more than 10 Chinese invention patents.
He has won 1 second prize of National
Technological Invention Award, 1 second prize of
Science and Technology Progress Award of the
Ministry of Education, 1 second prize of
Liaoning Provincial Technology Invention Award,
1 third prize of Liaoning Province Natural
Science Award, and 1 first prize of Shenyang
Science and Technology Progress Award. 1
textbook published. He presided over 4 National
Natural Science Foundation, 1 Provincial Natural
Science Foundation, 1 Provincial Doctoral
Start-up Fund, and 1 returned overseas student
from the Ministry of Education. Served as a
reviewer for many academic journals such as IEEE
TFS, IEEE TAC, IET PE, Chinese Science, Chinese
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Chinese
Journal of Automation, etc., and a letter
evaluation expert for general projects of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China.
The main research directions are the research
and development of power electronic equipment
and products in new energy infrastructure
equipment (inverters, rectifiers, DC/DC
converters, DC/AC inverters, etc.), embedded
system research and development, Internet of
Things application technology, artificial
intelligence control, Fuzzy control,
optimization theory. He has been systematically
engaged in the development of product-level
power electronic converter control systems for a
long time, and mainly developed special
frequency conversion controllers for door
cranes, medium and high-voltage high-power
three-level explosion-proof frequency
converters, five-level mining frequency
converters, and single-phase DC-AC converters.
devices, IoT cloud services, etc.
Assoc.Prof. Muhammad Junaid,
China University of
Mining and Technology, China
Muhammad Junaid recieved PhD, MS & B.Eng in Electrical Engineering in 2020, 2015 & 2011 respectively. He is currently serving as Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology. He also had previously served as Lecturer (Power Engineering) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, SARHAD University of Science & Information Technology Pakistan. His research interest is in the Alternatives to the SF6 gas and Key technologies for Fault Current Interruption using Vacuum Interrupters, Cryogenic Dielectrics and High voltage insulation. He is an active member of IEEE (Senior level), Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE), European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS), IAENG Hong Kong, & Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). At present, he is involved in 8 funded projects, have 2 Patents and about 35 publications to his name.
Lecturer Wenlong Ming,
Cardiff University, United
Dr Wenlong Ming (WM) has been a Senior Lecturer
of Power Electronics at Cardiff University since
August 2020. He was awarded a PhD degree from
the University of Sheffield in March 2016 and
was funded by EPSRC as an exchange scholar to
visit the Centre for Power Electronics Systems
(CPES) in Virginia Tech USA, for four months in
He conducts fundamental and applied
research into future electronic circuits and
systems. A paradigm shift of semiconductor
technology from silicon to compound
semiconductors (CS) brings an exciting
opportunity to significantly improve efficiency,
reliability and power density of such electronic
circuits and systems and to enable new
applications that silicon cannot support. The
high-level objective of his research is to
investigate how to solve research and innovation
challenges behind this paradigm shift through
seamless and holistic integration of control,
power electronics, radio-frequency electronics,
semiconductor physics and materials.
Prof. Chen Zhang,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Chen Zhang received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2010, an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University in 2012, and a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2017. After one year of working as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota, Chen Zhang joined National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as a researcher at the Center of Integrated Mobility Science. In 2023, June, Dr. Zhang becomes an associate professor in the College of Smart Energy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His Current research interests include renewable fuels combustion, modeling, and control of free-piston engines, and system-level analysis of the Power to X plant. Dr. Zhang was the PI or co-PI for multiple projects sponsored by US DOE, EPA, and CARB. He also obtained the President Award from NREL in 2021, the best paper award at the 2016 ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, and the Grand Prize of the 2013 Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge Award.
Prof. Yao Zhao,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Dr Yao Zhao joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University in July 2023 and is appointed as an Associate Professor at the College of Smart Energy. He held BEng and MEng degrees from Central South University and PhD degree in Engineering Thermophysics and Power Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He first worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for one year (2018-2019) and then moved to the Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Laboratory of Imperial College London for further postdoctoral academic training (2019-2023). His current research interest mainly focuses on thermal energy storage and thermo-mechanical energy storage technologies, especially latent heat storage and Carnot battery, which aims to find the suitable low-cost and large-scale energy storage technologies in different contexts. So far, he has published more than twenty journal and conference academic papers and has been involved in more than ten national research projects.